Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why are we in Iraq?

A [recent] survey found that 51% of Americans say the President is doing a poor job handling the situation in Iraq. That perception is keeping his Job Approval Ratings near the lowest levels ever recorded.
ed. - that's the lowest recorded for ANY war time president in American history.

If the President refuses to even set benchmarks for troop withdrawal it can only mean one of two things:

1. He wants to keep US troops there for all time and won't admit it to the American people.

2. He has no idea why he invaded in the first place. Benchmarks don't equal deadlines. They are just goals. Any realistic military action uses benchmarks or goals to determine progress and set flexible timelines for further action.

He won't set benchmarks. He won't set deadlines.

He won't tell us why we invaded except that there were supposedly WMDs. There weren't. Most of the intelligence at the time that has since come to light show there weren't. If he genuinely thought there were WMDs, he was fooling himself.

Looking at the two options above, he's either a horrific tyrant, or a complete imbecile. I hope it's the latter but fear that it's the former.

There is one alternative. It's all about partisan politics. Meaning, he cares more about appearing to be right and continuing the current Republican dominance inside the beltway than he cares about the lives of our best and bravest: American military men and women.


Ok, it's been awhile since I posted... Basically so much has been happening with W and so little time to write. His senior officials are under sever scrutiny, he shocked the world with his utter incompetence in appointing Harriet Myers (or was it a ruse to ensure an ultra-conservative would definitely be approved?) and his failure to even come up with a plan for Iraq (if we don't' know what it will take for us to leave it means we don't know why we invaded in the first place - our bravest and best are dying in the fight for ambiguous partisan politics).

BUT... Here is proof (not so positive) that Bush is a failed president.

Go to Google, type "Failure" in the search window and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

Try it. Now you know what failure means.