Wednesday, September 14, 2005

John G. Roberts hearings underway

Well, the President who appointed Michael Brown as director of FEMA (we all saw how well that worked out...) has taken Roberts's original Supreme Court nomination away, and given him a nomination to the Chief Justice chair.

The scary fact is that the American people know next to nothing about his views.

Click here for information about him.

I'm frankly terrified... because I don't know whether to be scared or not. About the only worthwhile or telling piece of information is that George Bush nominated him, and Bush only seems to nominate/appoint people who are incompetent, or politically fanatical.

Everyone agrees that Roberts is a brilliant legal mind.

Which means he's probably a fanatic. That's my opinion of course. However, I challenge anyone to name a person nominated/appointed to any job by Bush that is not either incompetent or fanatical. The one person that comes to my mind is Colin Powell, and they ran him out of town at the reelection.

Anyway, it appears that little can stop Judge Roberts's confirmation at this point, so strap yourselves in ladies and gentlemen. We're in for a bumpy three years with a one party federal government in which all the really powerful jobs are controlled by the extreme right wing.

The other way to say that is "right wing extremists."

I don't know about you, but for me, November 2008 can't get here fast enough.


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